Child Evangelism Fellowship
Child Evangelism Fellowship, also known as CEF, is a Bible-centered, worldwide organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to disciple them in the local church for Christian living. CEF has over 1,800 missionaries overseas, approximately 1,600 of whom are nationals. In the USA and Canada 700 full-time workers and an estimated 40,000 volunteers serve the ministry. CEF was founded by Jesse Irvin Overholtzer in 1937.
CEF has many different ministries for children, but the three primary ones are the Good News Club, the Five Day Club and the Truth Chasers Club (formerly CEF Mailbox Club).
The Heart of the Palmetto Chapter of CEF was chartered in November 1996. This chapter serves Florence, Darlington, Marlboro, Chesterfield and Dillon Counties. For more information visit their website